“Laboratory projects: Growing the Senses”, Master Open Design (University Buenos Aires / HU Berlin), co-teaching, SS 2022

"Matters of Writing III”, Master Open Design (University Buenos Aires / HU Berlin), co-teaching with Rodrigo Martin Iglesias. SS 2022

"Matters of Writing II”, Master Open Design (University Buenos Aires / HU Berlin), co-teaching with Laura Columbo. WS 2021-2022

Guest Lecturer – “Digital Twin” (University Hospital of Charité in Berlin), “Medicine and Social Sciences” 3 hours, with Denny Chakalakal, WS2021-22 & SS2022


"Multimodal ethnography: A more than textual anthropological workshop" (Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, HU Berlin), Modular block seminar, co-teaching with Ignacio Farias. SS 2021

"Matters of Writing II”, Master Open Design (University Buenos Aires / HU Berlin), co-teaching with Laura Columbo. SS 2021

Guest Lecturer – “Digital Twin” (University Hospital of Charité in Berlin), “Medicine and Social Sciences” 3 hours, with Denny Chakalakal, SS2021

Guest Lecturer – “Hyper Haptics. Oscillating between physical and virtual tactility" (Berlin Kunst Hochschule, Weissensee), Prof. Carola Zwick, taught by Felix Rasehorn and Judith Glaser

Mentoring – “[messen/zahlen, wiegen]” (Berlin Kunst Hochschule, Weissensee), Prof. Carola Zwick

Mentoring & Lecturer in a pedagogical research process – “Brain Roads. Experiments in visualization design”. ESAD Reims / Telecom Sud Paris, 2020-2021, with Olaf Avenati, Michel Simatic, Thomas Picht, Lucius Fekonja, research project funded by the DAAD (Procope).



"Multimodal ethnography: A more than textual anthropological workshop" (Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, HU Berlin), Modular block seminar, co-teaching with Tomas Criado. WS 2020-21.

Guest Lecturer – "Taming the octopus of the dissertation” Writing Workshop (Centre Marc-Bloch). 12.10.20 Berlin.

Guest Lecturer – “Academic Encounters: Matters of Writing”, Master Open Design (University Buenos Aires / HU Berlin), introduction with Laura Columbo.

Immersive Workshop “Matters of Writing” at Institute für Europeanische Ethnologie (IfEE), 1 day, 8 participants.

Immersive Workshop “Matters of Writing” at MoA, 1 day, 8 participants.


“Writing Methods: Overcoming Blocking” (“Lever les blocages de l’écriture”)

EHESS, Paris. Organization & teaching of academic writing processes, a one-week residential session, with Claire Clouet and Aube Richerbourg, 09/2019 in Maisse (Essonne), 12 participants, funded by EHESS.


“Writing Methods: Overcoming Blocking” (“Lever les blocages de l’écriture”)

EHESS, Paris. Organization & teaching of academic writing processes, a one-week residential session, with Claire Clouet, 8-16/09/18 in Maisse (Essonne), 12 participants, funded by EHESS.


French-German Summer School: “Ethnography of Arts, Arts of ethnography”,

in Villa Arson, Nice, France. Organization of a one-week residential seminar with Sophie Houdart (LESC, CNRS) and Matthias Warstat (FU Berlin), funded by the French-German University (UFA), LESC, FU Berlin and Villa Arson, 30 participants including 10 lecturers.

“Doctoral Writing Residency of the Centre Georg-Simmel”, EHESS, Paris.

Organization of a one-week residential teaching with Claire Clouet et Frédéric Trottier, 20-28/08/17 in Maisse (Essonne), 12 participants, project funded by the Centre Georg-Simmel.

2015-2016 and 2016-2017

“Presences and atmospheres: inquiring with ambiance makers” (“Présences et atmosphères: enquêter avec les passeurs d’ambiances”), research seminar, EHESS, Paris.

In collaboration with Anne Seitz (Centre Georg-Simmel/CIERA) in 2015-2016 and with Véronique Nahoum-Grappe (CEM), in 2016-2017 ; 24 hours per year, 10 ECTS.

2014 – 2018 « Monthly doctoral writing workshops of the Centre Georg-Simmel », EHESS, Paris.

Moderation of 6 yearly sessions of 4 hours each, teaching and practice following various methods.

2012 – 2018 Research Seminar of the Créalab, Paris.

Co-organisation of a working group on anthropology of creation processes; reading in STS, anthropology and philosophy; six study-days every year (LESC, Paris Ouest Nanterre / Centre Georg Simmel, EHESS), with Sophie Houdart (LESC, CNRS).