Golden Pudel-Ethnographie
Atmosphäre, Netwerke und Reputation in einem hamburger Nachtklub.
Transcript (Bielefeld).
Review: Jirsak, Karin. « Ethnografie des Golden Pudel Clubs: Wummernder Tempel der Aufrichtigkeit ». Die Tageszeitung: taz, 7 february 2025.!6066361/.
Monographs in preparation:
Sketching Brains. The micro mystics of knowing in neurosurgery and graphic ethnography.
Virtual Reality as Method for an Anthropology of Active Materiality
Journal Articles and Chapters
Submitted: The club as a combustion chamber for creative explosions: The transformative atmospheric powers of an electronic music venue in Hamburg.
Theory, Culture and Society.
Forthcoming: Close-draw: la neurochirurgie à l’épreuve de son digital twin.
Technique et Culture, in: “La digitalisation du monde,” 2024, ed. Frederic Joulian, Flavia Carraro & Nicolas Nova. Article accepted, pending review.
2024 Couper dans le cerveau pour le « fun » Essai d’anthropologie graphique sur une préparation expérimentale à la neurochirurgie
Revue d’Anthropologie de la Connaissance, in: “Comment passer à l’action?” december 2024, Loïc Riom & Mylène Tanferri. LINK
“The dance of the knife: stretching the sense of the cut in neurosurgical practice”
in Toward a New Culture of the Material, ed: Frank Bauer, Yoonha Kim, Sabine Marienberg & Wolfgang Schaeffner, De Gruyter (Berlin) LINK
“Dar espacio a la experiencia”
w/ Katrin Heimann & Nicolas Malevé. Ed. Jara Rocha & Nicolas Malevé. Concreta, Nr. 23. LINK
“Beyond Fun: Experiments in Epistemic Dizziness.”
w/ Acksel, Britta & Jonna Josties. EASST Reviews 43, Nr. 1 LINK
2023 “Participant growing-places in and of the world: rendering the transformative atmosphere of a contemporary opera in the making”
in Exceptional Experiences, ed. Helena Wulff & Petra Rethmann, Berghahn Books (Oxford & New York). LINK
2021 "Mother and son: Reality versus art in virtual reality. Staging an atmospheric performance with immersive technologies”
Ambiances, Environnement Sensible, Architecture et Espace Urbain, no. 7, 2021. Thematic issue Staging Atmospheres: Theatre and the Atmospheric Turn - Volume 2. Peer-reviewed. LINK
“Letter: A Note on Neurosurgical Resection and Why We Need to Rethink Cutting.”
Picht, T., Calvé, M. L., Tomasello, R., Fekonja, L., Gholami, M. F., Bruhn, M., Zwick, C., Rabe, J. P., Müller-Birn, C., Vajkoczy, P., Sauer, I. M., Zachow, S., Nyakatura, J. A., Ribault, P., & Pulvermüller, F. Neurosurgery. Peer-reviewed. LINK
“Between Night and Day: Immersive Explorations Within a Slide Archive”
with Mareike Stoll, in the publication Augmented Reality: Code and Materiality in Art and Culture, ed. Dagmar Schürrer und Maja Stark, HTW Berlin. Open Access: LINK
“Drawing a home for anthropology: writing retreats and drawing workshops as education to ethnography.”
entanglements. experiments in multimodal ethnography, special section “Anthropologies of/at/in home” Peer-reviewed. LINK
“Both Feet in Murky Waters: Fieldnotes from the Floating University in Berlin”
The Urban Transcripts Journal 4 (1): np., special issue “Regenerative Cultures – Regenerative Cities.” Peer-reviewed. LINK
2020 “Intersecting Cartographic Imperatives. The mapmaking practices of a medical artist in the wake of brain science"
Kunstlicht, Amsterdam, numéro thématique “On Maps” (October 2020). Peer-reviewed. LINK
"Apprendre à regarder le cerveau en 3D. Compte-rendu ethno-graphique d’un séminaire interdisciplinaire au service de neurochirurgie de la Charité à Berlin."
Anthropologie & Santé, no. 21. Peer-reviewed. LINK
2019 “Depicting Berlin’s Atmospheres: Phenomenographic Sketches”
with Olivier Gaudin, Ambiances. Environnement Sensible, Architecture et Espace Urbain, no. 5 (2019), Peer-reviewed.
“Devenir capable: Démos à Bobigny” (“On Becoming Capable: Observing a Project to Educate Children with Music in the City of Bobigny”)
in: Démos, ed. Denis Laborde et Gille Delbarre. Éditions de la Philharmonie de Paris
2018 “Des enfants musiciens comme projet de société ? Enquête collective sur le projet Démos de la Philharmonie de Paris”
with C. Clouet, M. Le Calve, J. Lewandowski, L. Lisack, J. Oleksiak, Cahiers d’Ethnomusicologie, n. 3, p.119-136. Peer-reviewed.
“La traversée des ambiances. Regard sur les atmosphères en sciences sociales” (“Crossing Ambiances: Outlooks on Atmospheres in Social Sciences”)
with O. Gaudin, Communications, no 102, mai 2018 : 5 23, Peer-reviewed.
“Invocations antagonistes : les atmosphères condensées de l’artiste Jonathan Meese” (“Antagonist Invocations: the Condensed Atmospheres of the Artist Jonathan Meese”)
Communications, no 102, mai 2018 : 153 67, Peer-reviewed.
2017 “Grenzgänger der Kunst: Die Sammlung als plurales Medium in der künstlerischen Praxis von Jonathan Meese ”
Paragrana 26: 140-54, Peer-reviewed.
2015 “Ethnographie dans l’espace de la ‘Dictature de l’Art’ de Jonathan Meese. Comment bien ‘laisser faire ce qui arrive’ ”
(“‘How to Properly Let Things Happen’. Ethnography in the Space of Jonathan Meese’s ‘Dictatorship of Art’”)
Techniques & Culture. Revue semestrielle d’anthropologie des techniques, nᵒ 64. doi:10.4000/tc.7591. Peer-reviewed.
Edited volumes & thematic issues
Exercices d’ambiances
Thematic issue of Communications, n° 102, co-ed. with Olivier Gaudin, 05/2018. Peer-reviewed.
Edited volume in preparation:
Stretching Materialities, w/ Object Space Agency, Hamburg: adocs, forthcoming 2024.
Théories Du Design – Une Introduction. Claudia Mareis.
Dijon: Presses du Réel. Translation from German to French, (304 p.) ISBN : 978-2-37896-244-9, LINK.
2018 Böhme, Gernot. 2018. “L’atmosphère, fondement d’une nouvelle esthétique ?”
Translation from German to French, in Communications, no. 102 (May): 25–49. LINK.
Radical open-access digital publications
Cutting Up Writing Up:
Anthropoetry at The Edge of The Human
Edited by Maxime Le Calvé
Foreword by Stuart McLean
With contributions by:
Yoonha Kim, Theodore Stanley, Sandro Simon, Geoffrey Garrison, Wendy Chua, Stuart McLean & Maxime Le Calvé
(50 p.)
2022-… Sketching Brains. A participant exhibition
Texts and drawings by Maxime Le Calvé, co-curated with Anna L. Roethe.
2021-… stretching senses school
An emergent learning community between design anthropology and creative coding. Co-curated with Yoonha Kim.
2023 Anthropologies of Technique, Techniques of Anthropology - Multimodal Ethnographies of Making
Seminar publication including collective fieldwork reports and journals of technique by the students of the Institute für Europäische Ethnologie, seminar taught with Sharon Macdonald at the Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
Illustrated blog articles (selection)
2023 “Drawing on EER”
Experimenting, Experiencing, Reflecting, Studio Olafur Eliasson (Berlin) & Interactive Minds Center (Aarhus University) with Geoffrey Garrison. LINK
2020 “Deep within the world. Thinking, writing & caring with Hannah Arendt”
New Alphabet School, HKW Berlin. Part of the issue “Caring”, with Carla Dietmair and Simone Stimm. LINK
2020 “The virtual tour as digital fieldwork between art and anthropology: on the transitional, transformative and ephemeral nature of the exhibition space”
MoA Blog, article on the project TA Tour with the research group Object Space Agency
2018 « “Spitzenmeesig” – die erste Virtual-Reality-Produktion von Jonathan Meese und seiner Mutter Brigitte Meese. Ethnographische Probenberichte »
Immersion - Berliner Festspiele Blog, 03/2018,
2017 “Making of Mondparsifal” – blog post series, 10 posts.
Immersion - Berliner Festspiele Blog, June-October 2017,